Honors Math Alumni

Name Post Graduate Destination Subsequent Appointments Awards
Gavin Dooley PhD Math - University of Notre Dame George Kolettis Award in Mathematics, GE Prize for excellence in Mathematics - Senior Honors
Jack Herzog Notre Dame Seminary
William Kim MA in Bioethics at NYU's School of Global Public Health
Madeleine Kosobuki Notre Dame Law School
Tony Masso Rivetti PhD Math Math, University of Arizona Tucson
Jonathan Pal PhD Math - University of Montana GE Prize for excellence in Mathematics - Senior Honors
Ella Pfaff PhD Math - University of Notre Dame
Gabriel Sargent PhD Statistics, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
Sean Liu PhD Physics - Stanford
Ryan Lynch PhD Math, University of Minnesota
Alexa Mogan PhD Psychology, Vanderbilt University
Greyson Wesley PhD Math, The Ohio State University
Bailee Zacovic DAAD grad scholarship - Bonn University, Germany
Andrew Burke Winston Churchill Fellowship, PhD Math Harvard (2022-) Goldwater Scholarship
Alex Clay PhD Mathematics, USC (2021-)
Veronica Kirgios Western Pacific LLC (consultant) Chicago, IL
Tristan Wooley ACE teacher
Kyle Duffy Master în Computer Science, University of Oxford
Ting Gong PhD with Max Lieblich at the University of Washington in Seattle
Alex Kokot PhD Statistics, University of Washington, Seattle (2021-) Goldwater Scholarship
Yuxin Lin PhD Math - Caltech
Jack Anderson Financial Analyst Internship, GlidePath Power Solutions, Elmhurst, Illinois
Matt Ingwersen
Alexander Ju (2020-2023) Market Researcher, Belvedere Trading, Chicago (2023-) Masters în Computer Science, University of Chicago
Sophia Kardadi Retirement Actuarial Analyst at Willis Towers Watson, Chicago, IL
Margaret O'Brien
Love Osunnuga Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania The Glynn Award for Academic Excellence and Exemplary Leadership. 2020 Notre Dame Salutatorian.
John Roach
Matthew Schoenbauer Goldwater Scholarship
Tim Stavetski Flight controller NASA, Johnson Space Center
Mikhail Sweeney PhD Mathematics, University of Utah (2020-)
Arianna Blanco Senior Manager, Strategy at the New York Times
Samuel Booth
Matthew Brown PhD Economics, Berkeley
Patrick Crouch
Katie Gallagher Oxford University, Mathematics Goldwater Scholarship, NSF Graduate Research Fellowship, Marshall Scholarship
Rathin Kacham
Nick Lohr Northwestern University, Ph.D. Mathematics
Anthony Napolitano
Daniel O'Connor PhD Economics, MIT (2019-) NSF Graduate Fellowship NSF Graduate Research Fellowship
Camille Taltas Data analyst, Warner Music Group, New York City
Daniel Witham
Caitlyn Booms University of Wisconsin-Madison, Ph.D. Mathematics NSF Graduate Research Fellowship
Greg Greif University of Oxford, Masters in Mathematics and Foundations of Computer Science
Christian Hokaj
Patrick LeBlanc Duke University, Ph.D. Statistics
Stephen Pallante
Luke Shanahan
Paul Sweeney SUNY Stonybrook, Ph.D. Mathematics
Luke Wojtalik Indiana University, Ph.D. Mathematics
Julia Borzage College of William and Mary, Law
Talis Bowers Purdue University, Ph.D. Stats
Christian Gorski Northwestern University, Ph.D., Mathematics
Ben Gunning Harvard University Law School
Andrew Jena Waterloo, Ph.D. Computer Science
Sreeraahul Kancherla University of California - Berkeley, Ph.D. Economics NSF Graduate Fellowship
Sean Kent Wisconsin, Ph.D. Stats
Jeff Marino John Hopkins, Ph.D.Matematics
Michael McCaffrey Beghour Consulting
Monica Gorman Emory University, MPH epidemiology
Austin  Rodgers Purdue University, PhD Mathematics
Trevor Sprouse University of Notre Dame, PhD Physics
Jonathan Vandenburgh Northwestern University, PhD Philosophy
Jack Burkart SUNY Stonybrook, Ph.D. Mathematics
Jacob Haley U. of Michigan, Ph.D. Mathematics Goldwater Scholarship
Vijay Higgins UC Santa Barbara, Ph.D. Mathematics
David Lenz UC San Diego, Ph.D. Mathematics
Luciena  Xiao California Institute of Technology, Ph.D. Mathematics
Matthew Cole Brown University, Ph.D. Mathematics
Mitchell Faulk Columbia University, Ph.D. Mathematics NSF Graduate Research Fellowship
Dan Irvine U. of Michigan, Ph.D. Mathematics Goldwater Scholarship; Honorable mention NSF Graduate Research Fellowship
Michael MacGilivray U. of Pennsylvania, M.D. Medicine
James Schmidt UIUC, Ph.D. Computer Science
Jonathan Sheperd University of Chicago, Ph.D. Mathematics Honorable Mention NSF Graduate Research Fellowship
Sean Meehan Ohio State University, Ph.D. Mathematics
Murphy Kate Montee University of Cambridge and University of Chicago, Ph.D. Mathematics Alice Schafer Prize; Churchill Scholarship; NSF Graduage Research Fellowship
Kathy Richey Ohio State University, Ph.D. Mathematics
Ed Sanchez UIUC, Ph.D. Mathematics
Vikram Saraph Brown University, Ph.D. Theoretical Computer Science
Marshall Wang North Carolina State University, Ph.D. Statistics
Chris Bell
Dan Corey Yale University, Ph.D. Mathematics Honorable mention NSF Graduate Research Fellowship
Dondi Ellis University of Michigan, Ph.D. Mathematics
Mark Cerenzia Cornell University and Princeton University, Ph.D. Operations Research
Christine Jamroz Purdue University, Ph.D. Mathematics
John Pardo Penn State University, Ph.D. Mathematics
Brooks Smith UCLA, Ph.D. Mathematics
Andrew Taylor University of Virginia, Ph.D. Mathematics
Vivian Healey Brown University, Ph.D. Mathematics NSF Graduate Research Fellowship
Beth Hercaldt University of Washington, Ph.D. Applied Mathematics National Physical Science Consortium Fellowship
Andrew McConvey University of Waterloo and UIUC, Ph.D. Mathematics
Dan Moeller UC San Diego, Ph.D. Computer Science
Josh Mollner Stanford University, Ph.D. Economics Goldwater Scholarship
Eric Riedl Harvard University, Ph.D. Mathematics Goldwater Scholarship; NSF Graduate Research Fellowship
Joey  Schmitt Duke University, Ph.D. Mathematics
Cody Mack Rutgers University, M.S. Mathematics
Kaitlyn Manion Boston College, M.S. Higher Education Administration College of William and Mary, Director of Programming
Andrew Manion Princeton University, Ph.D. Mathematics Goldwater Scholarship; Churchill Scholarship; NSF Graduate Research Fellowship; NDSEG Fellowship; NSF Postdoctoral Fellowship
Jonathan Poelhuis Indiana University, Ph.D. Applied Mathematics
Bryan  Ahern Acenture
Adam Boocher UC Berkeley, Ph.D. Mathematics University of Utah Goldwater Scholarship; NSF Graduate Research Fellowship
Andrew Fanoe Columbia University, Ph.D. Mathematics Morehouse College
Ben Fehrman University of Chicago, Ph.D. Mathematics Goldwater Scholarship; Honorable mention NSF Graduate Fellowship; NSF Postdoctoral Fellowship
Matt Gunden Northwestern, M.A. EconomicsNorthwestern, M.A. Economics Epsilon Economics Honorable mention NSF Graduate Fellowship
Phil Hudelson Penn State University, Ph.D. Mathematics McKinsey and Company
Jacob Hughes UC San Diego, Ph.D. Mathematics Microsoft, software development Honorable mention NSF Graduate Fellowship
Andrew Karl Arizona State University, Ph.D. Statistics Adsurgo
Zach Lamberty Cornell University, Ph.D. Physics Achievement Asset Management, software developer NSF Graduate Research Fellowship
Zach Madden University of Chicago, M.S. Mathematics Honorable mention NSF Graduate Fellowship
James Talamo Ohio State University, Ph.D. in Mathematics
Andrew Craker
Vince Lyzinski Johns Hopkins, Ph.D. Applied Mathematics Honorable mention NSF Graduate Fellowship
Nick Radcliffe Carnegie Mellon, M.S. Mathematics
Eric Staron U. Texas Austin, Ph.D. Mathematics Concordia University
Margaret Doig Princeton University, Ph.D. Mathematics Syracuse University Teach for America Volunteer; NSF Graduate Research Fellowship
Michael Jenista Duke University, Ph.D. Mathematics SAS Honorable mention NSF Graduate Fellowship
Geoffrey Johnston Columbia University, Ph.D. Ecology and Sustainable Development Malaria Research Institute, Johns Hopkins, Bloomberg School of Public Health
Melinda Morna University of Wisconsin, M.S. Applied Mathematics Goldwater Scholarship; NDSEG Fellowship; NSF Graduate Fellowship; Runner up Alice Schaefer Prize
Andrew Rupinski University of Pennsylvania, Ph.D. Mathematics NSA
Desmond Cummins University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Ph.D. Mathematics USMA, West Point
Paul Gibson Northwestern University, M.S. Mathematics
Christopher Jankowski University of Pennsylvania, Ph.D. Mathematics NYU
Christina Maher University of Notre Dame, Ph.D. Mathematics St. Vincent College
Matthew Mauntel Indiana University, M.S. Mathematics Honorable mention NSF Graduate Fellowship
Nicholas Mastronardi University of Texas Austin, Ph.D. Economics Air Force Academy Honorable mention Alice Schaefer Prize
Donovan McFeron Columbia University, Ph.D. Mathematics Ramapo College of New Jersey
Kevin Thomas Loyola University of Chicago, M.D. Medicine
Sonja Mapes Columbia University, Ph.D. Mathematics Assoc. Prof. of the Practice/Dir. of Undergraduate Studies at the University of Notre Dame
CariAnne MuCullough
Andre Nerlinger Yale University, M.D. Medicine Goldwater Scholarship; Lucent Technology Fellowship; Honorable mention Alice Schaefer Prize; NSF Postdoctoral Fellowship
Kathleen Ponto University of Chicago, Ph.D. Mathematics University of Kentucky First runner up Alice Schaefer Prize; NSF Graduate Research Fellowship; NDSEG Fellowship; NSF Postdoctoral Fellowship
Sami Assaf UC Berkeley, Ph.D. Mathematics Moore Postdoc at MIT; University of Southern California Regional finalist for Rhodes Scholarship; NSF Postdoctoral Fellowship; Sloan Fellowship; NSF Career Grant
Matthew Hedden Columbia University, Ph.D. Mathematics Moore Postdoc at MIT; Michigan State University
Michael Munn SUNY Stonybrook, CUNY Graduate Center, Ph.D. Mathematics University of Missouri; NYU Goldwater Scholarship; George C. Marshall Scholarship; National finalist Rhodes Scholarship
David Swinarski Oxford and Columbia University, Ph.D. Mathematics Fordham University Goldwater Scholarship; NSK Postdoctoral Fellowship
Richard Siefring New York University, Ph.D. Mathematics Szego Postdoc at Stanford U.; Max Planck Institute for Mathematics, Leipzig
Amanda Mueller Alvine Harvard University, Ph.D. Mathematics
Brian Dean Johns Hopkins University, Ph.D. Mathematics Salisbury University
Eric Hatfield Washington University in St Louis, M.D. Medicine NSF Graduate Fellowship; Honorable Mention in Alice Schaefer Fellowship competition
Helga Schaffrin Huntley New York University, Ph.D. Applied Mathematics University of Delaware Oceanography Institute Goldwater Scholarship
Jeffrey Beh University of Pennsylvania, Ph.D. Applied Mathematics Honorable Mention NSF Graduate Fellowship
Aaron Couture University of Notre Dame, Ph.D. Physics Los Almos Labs
Christopher Dwyer University of Chicago and University of Wisconsin, Ph.D. Mathematics Northwestern University
Dana Powell Rowland Stanford University, Ph.D. Mathematics Merrimack College
Timothy Culver North Carolina State University, Ph.D. Computer Science Think3 Inc.
Mary Donohue Wharton School of Business, M.B.A. NSF Graduate Fellowship
Kevin Hartshorn UC Berkeley, Ph.D. Mathematics Moravian College NDSEG Graduate Fellowship; Finalist Rhodes Scholarship Competition; NSF Postdoctoral Fellowship
Kevin Chouinard University of Virginia, Ph.D. Mathematics Northern Virginia Community College
Tom Nevins University of Chicago, Ph.D. Mathematics University of Illinois, Urbana- Champaign
Yuhui Ren University of Illinois M.S. Electrical Engineering Goldwater Scholarship; 2002 Missouri Professor of the Year
Anthony Vazzana University of Michigan, Ph.D. Mathematics Truman State University
Tao Chen Stanford Ph.D. Electrical Engineering Fullbright Scholarship
Margaret Conroy University of Michigan, M.S. Mathematics Honorable Mention NSF Graduate Fellowship
David Letscher University of Michigan, Ph.D. Mathematics St. Louis University NSF Graduate Fellowship; NSF Postdoctoral Fellowship; NSF Career Grant
Matin Mohlenkamp Yale University, Ph.D. Mathematics Ohio University NSF Postdoctoral Fellowship
Reed Solomon Cornell Univesrity, Ph.D. Mathematics University of Connecticut Goldwater Scholarship; NSF Graduate Fellowship
David Hurtubise Stanford University, Ph.D. Mathematics Penn. State University Arizona Class Valedictorian; NSF Graduate Fellowship
David Schmitz University of Chicago, Ph.D. Mathematics North Central College