PhD Defense: Bridget Schreiner - University of Notre Dame


Location: Zoom

Photo of: Bridget Schreiner

Speaker: Bridget Schreiner
University of Notre Dame

Will give a PhD Defense entitled:
Cross Effects and Stability

Abstract: Defense Committee: Mark Behrens, Advisor Pavel Mnev Andy Putman Larry Taylor We consider a generalization of the cross effects of Eilenberg and Mac Lane to cat- egories suitable for studying homological and representation stability. Specifically, we consider functors C −→ T op∗ where C is N or F I, the category of finite sets and injec- tions. We construct a spectral sequence computing the homology of our cross effects from the homology of such functors, as well as a spectral sequence reconstructing the homology of the values of the functor from the homology of its cross effects. Finally, we consider these cross effects in the context of the mod 2 homology of the symmetric groups.

Date: 06-27-2024
Time: 4:00 pm
Location: Zoom
Zoom URL:

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