Francis Connolly

Emeritus - Full


B.S., Fordham University, 1961
M.S., University of Rochester, 1963
Ph.D., University of Rochester, 1965

Research Group


Research Area

Differential and Algebraic Topology


Research Interests

Differential and algebraic topology.

Selected Publications

  • Francis X. Connolly and T. Kozniewski. Examples of lack of rigidity in crystallographic groups. In Algebraic Topology, Poznan – 1989, volume 1474 of Lecture Notes in Mathematics, pages 139-145. Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg, 1991.
  • Francis X. Connolly and Douglas Anderson. Finiteness obstructions to cocompact actions on Sm x An. Commentarii Helvetici Mathematici, 68:85-110, 1993.
  • Francis X. Connolly and M. deSilva. The groups NⁱKᵢ (Zπ) are finitely generated ZNⁱ modules if π is a finite group. preprint.
  • Francis X. Connolly and T. Kozniewski. Nil groups in K-theory and surgery theory. Submitted for publication.
  • Francis X. Connolly, Douglas Anderson, S. Ferry, and E. Petersen. Algebraic K-theory with continuous control at infinity. Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, to appear.

Phone: 574-631-6571
Fax: 574-631-6579
Office: 169 Hurley Bldg