Felix Klein Seminar: Shuo Zhang - University of Minnesota


Location: 125 Hayes-Healy Bldg

Speaker: Shuo Zhang
University of Minnesota

Will give a Felix Klein Seminar entitled:
A long exact sequence on the composition of Dehn twists

Abstract: Seidel conjectured that the fixed point Floer homology of the global monodromy (iterated Dehn twists) of a Lefschetz fibration can be computed from the Lagrangian Floer homologies of the vanishing cycles. In particular, there should be a long exact sequence relating them. We construct this long exact sequence by iterating Mak-Wu’s construction of a Lagrangian cobordism of an associated Lagrangian correspondence. Potential applications include homological mirror symmetry for Fano manifolds and dynamics of iterated Dehn twists.

Date: 04-18-2024
Time: 2:00 pm
Location: 125 Hayes-Healy Bldg

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