PhD Defense: Yayi Fu - University of Notre Dame


Location: 310 DeBartolo Hall

Photo of: Yayi Fu

Speaker: Yayi Fu
University of Notre Dame

Will give a PhD Defense entitled:
Erdős-Hajnal property in NIP theories.

Abstract: We show a proof using model-theoretic technique and substitution that Erdős-Hajnal property holds for graphs with VC-dimension < 2. We also show that the family of graphs with bounded VC-minimal complexity, a notion that arises from VC-minimal theory, has strong Erdős-Hajnal property. And we show a lemma about combs and pure pairs that I found when attempting to prove Erdős-Hajnal property for dp-minimal graphs.

Date: 03-26-2024
Time: 4:00 pm
Location: 310 DeBartolo

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