PhD Defense: Guoqi Yan - University of Notre Dame


Location: 311 DeBartolo Hall

Photo of: Guoqi Yan

Speaker: Guoqi Yan
University of Notre Dame

Will give a PhD Defense entitled:
The Structure of Ro(G)-Graded Homotopy of Eilenberg-Mac Lane Spectra for Cyclic Two-Groups and the Slice Spectral Sequences

Abstract: We study the RO(G)-graded homotopyMackey functors of Eilenberg-Mac Lane spectra for cyclic p-groups. One innovation is the use of the generalized Tate squares introduced by Greenlees-May in the computations. We exploit the power of these generalized Tate squares further by applying them to the study of the equivariant slice spectral sequence invented by Dugger which is later generalized by Hill-Hopkins-Ravenel in their solution of the Kevaire invariant problem. Different parts of the squares provides stratification of the slice spectral sequences. We also deduce vanishing lines and transchromatic phenomenon in the negative cones of these spectral sequences, extending the work of Meier-Shi-Zeng on the positive cones. We also compute RO(G)-graded coefficients in some other cases, as illustrations of the usefulness of the Tate squares in equivariant computations.

Date: 03-18-2024
Time: 12:00 pm
Location: 311 DeBartolo Hall

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